量子 认知 计算 宏观架构图

Why the Quantum Brain?


本文回顾了量子大脑假说的现代方法。目的是考虑假设及其经典大脑-机器替代从广义的角度,包括物理学、生物学、计算机科学、宇宙学和形而上学。我的出发点是,问意识是否可以拥有自由意志是根本不正确的。这方面受到物理学和神经科学的挑战。该论文认为,对有意识的自由意志的探索,正如通常在 Libet 类型的实验中所测试的那样,意味着本末倒置。从进化的角度来看,一个更正确的问题是这样的。简单有机体的原始神经网络是否拥有自由意志机制(起源于量子)作为生命繁荣的极其宝贵的获取?那么这些机制可能是从最古老的大脑区域(如脑干)的初级(快速和随机)反射进化而来的,从而在大脑进化的后期阶段产生有意识的以皮层为中心的特性?

Figure 1 Quantum brain hypothesis. The most known quantum brain models are derived from corresponding interpretations of QM. Those can be then classified over different scientific domains from physics to cosmology and computational neuroscience (AI and Turing test) to metaphysics. Classical theories of consciousness such as IIT, GWT, FEP (Bayesian brain), and others are indifferent to quantum effects in brain dynamics, and can, in principle, be related to a superdeterministic account.



This article reviews the modern approaches to the quantum brain hypothesis. The aim is to consider the hypothesis and its classical brain-machine alternative from a broad perspective, including physics, biology, computer science, cosmology, and metaphysics. My starting point is that asking whether consciousness can or cannot have free will is fundamentally incorrect. This aspect is challenged by both physics and neuroscience. The paper argues that the search for conscious free will, as it is typically tested in Libet-type experiments, implies putting the cart before the horse. From the evolutionary perspective, a more correct question is this. Might primitive neural networks of simple organisms have possessed free volitional mechanisms (quantum in origin) as an extremely valuable acquisition for the flourishing of life? Might then the mechanisms have evolved from primary (rapid and random) reflexes in the oldest brain regions such as the brainstem to give rise to conscious cortex-centered properties in later stages of the brain evolution?

Graphical abstract

阅读原文原论文 https://www.lidsen.com/journals/neurobiology/neurobiology-05-03-103