😏1. 项目介绍
(Quantitative Finance Library)是一个开源的跨平台软件框架,专为量化金融领域设计和开发。它提供了丰富的金融工具和计算功能,用于衍生品定价、风险管理、投资组合管理等多个领域。以下是关于QuantLib的一些主要特点和用途:
1.开源跨平台:QuantLib是完全开源的,可以在不同操作系统上运行,包括Windows、Linux和Mac OS X。这使得它成为量化金融研究和开发的理想工具,能够在不同的环境中使用和定制。
3.数值方法和模型支持:QuantLib提供了广泛的数值方法和模型,用于衍生品定价和风险管理,如蒙特卡洛模拟、有限差分法、解析方法等。它支持的模型包括Black-Scholes模型、Heston模型、Libor Market Model等。
😊2. 环境配置
git clone https://github.com/lballabio/QuantLib # 或者下载release版本 1.34
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
程序g++编译:g++ -o main main.cpp -lQuantLib
😆3. 使用说明
#include <ql/quantlib.hpp> #include <iostream>
using namespace QuantLib;
int main() {
// 设置评估日期
Date today = Date::todaysDate();
Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = today;// 定义债券参数 Real faceAmount = 1000.0; // 债券面值 Rate couponRate = 0.05; // 年利率 Date maturity = today + Period(1, Years); // 到期时间 // 创建收益率曲线 Rate marketRate = 0.03; // 市场利率 Handle<YieldTermStructure> discountCurve(boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>( new FlatForward(today, marketRate, Actual360()))); // 创建零息债券 ZeroCouponBond bond(0, NullCalendar(), faceAmount, maturity, Following, 100.0, today); // 创建定价引擎并设置参数 bond.setPricingEngine(boost::shared_ptr<PricingEngine>( new DiscountingBondEngine(discountCurve))); // 计算债券价格 Real bondPrice = bond.NPV(); std::cout << "Zero-coupon bond price: " << bondPrice << std::endl; return 0;
此外,还有官方示例里的BasketLosses 计算一组金融资产损失示例(看起来还是很复杂的):
/* -- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -- */
Copyright (C) 2009 Mark JoshiThis file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the QuantLib license. You should have received a
copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
<quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
<http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
*/#include <ql/qldefines.hpp>
#if !defined(BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) && defined(BOOST_MSVC)include <ql/auto_link.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/marketmodel.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/accountingengine.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/pathwiseaccountingengine.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multiproductcomposite.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multistep/multistepswap.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multistep/callspecifiedmultiproduct.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multistep/exerciseadapter.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multistep/multistepnothing.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/multistep/multistepinversefloater.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/pathwise/pathwiseproductswap.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/pathwise/pathwiseproductinversefloater.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/products/pathwise/pathwiseproductcallspecified.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/models/flatvol.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/swapratetrigger.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/swapbasissystem.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/swapforwardbasissystem.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/nothingexercisevalue.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/collectnodedata.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/lsstrategy.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/callability/upperboundengine.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/correlations/expcorrelations.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/browniangenerators/mtbrowniangenerator.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/browniangenerators/sobolbrowniangenerator.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/evolvers/lognormalfwdratepc.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/evolvers/lognormalfwdrateeuler.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/pathwisegreeks/bumpinstrumentjacobian.hpp>
#include <ql/models/marketmodels/utilities.hpp>
#include <ql/methods/montecarlo/genericlsregression.hpp>
#include <ql/legacy/libormarketmodels/lmlinexpcorrmodel.hpp>
#include <ql/legacy/libormarketmodels/lmextlinexpvolmodel.hpp>
#include <ql/time/schedule.hpp>
#include <ql/time/calendars/nullcalendar.hpp>
#include <ql/time/daycounters/simpledaycounter.hpp>
#include <ql/pricingengines/blackformula.hpp>
#include <ql/pricingengines/blackcalculator.hpp>
#include <ql/utilities/dataformatters.hpp>
#include <ql/math/integrals/segmentintegral.hpp>
#include <ql/math/statistics/convergencestatistics.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/volatility/abcd.hpp>
#include <ql/termstructures/volatility/abcdcalibration.hpp>
#include <ql/math/optimization/simplex.hpp>
#include <ql/quotes/simplequote.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>using namespace QuantLib;
theVegaBumps(bool factorwiseBumping, const ext::shared_ptr<MarketModel>& marketModel, bool doCaps) {
Real multiplierCutOff = 50.0;
Real projectionTolerance = 1E-4;
Size numberRates= marketModel->numberOfRates();std::vector<VolatilityBumpInstrumentJacobian::Cap> caps; if (doCaps) { Rate capStrike = marketModel->initialRates()[0]; for (Size i=0; i< numberRates-1; i=i+1) { VolatilityBumpInstrumentJacobian::Cap nextCap; nextCap.startIndex_ = i; nextCap.endIndex_ = i+1; nextCap.strike_ = capStrike; caps.push_back(nextCap); } } std::vector<VolatilityBumpInstrumentJacobian::Swaption> swaptions(numberRates); for (Size i=0; i < numberRates; ++i) { swaptions[i].startIndex_ = i; swaptions[i].endIndex_ = numberRates; } VegaBumpCollection possibleBumps(marketModel, factorwiseBumping); OrthogonalizedBumpFinder bumpFinder(possibleBumps, swaptions, caps, multiplierCutOff, // if vector length grows by more than this discard projectionTolerance); // if vector projection before scaling less than this discard std::vector<std::vector<Matrix>> theBumps; bumpFinder.GetVegaBumps(theBumps); return theBumps;
int Bermudan()
{Size numberRates =20; Real accrual = 0.5; Real firstTime = 0.5; std::vector<Real> rateTimes(numberRates+1); for (Size i=0; i < rateTimes.size(); ++i) rateTimes[i] = firstTime + i*accrual; std::vector<Real> paymentTimes(numberRates); std::vector<Real> accruals(numberRates,accrual); for (Size i=0; i < paymentTimes.size(); ++i) paymentTimes[i] = firstTime + (i+1)*accrual; Real fixedRate = 0.05; std::vector<Real> strikes(numberRates,fixedRate); Real receive = -1.0; // 0. a payer swap MultiStepSwap payerSwap(rateTimes, accruals, accruals, paymentTimes, fixedRate, true); // 1. the equivalent receiver swap MultiStepSwap receiverSwap(rateTimes, accruals, accruals, paymentTimes, fixedRate, false); //exercise schedule, we can exercise on any rate time except the last one std::vector<Rate> exerciseTimes(rateTimes); exerciseTimes.pop_back(); // naive exercise strategy, exercise above a trigger level std::vector<Rate> swapTriggers(exerciseTimes.size(), fixedRate); SwapRateTrigger naifStrategy(rateTimes, swapTriggers, exerciseTimes); // Longstaff-Schwartz exercise strategy std::vector<std::vector<NodeData>> collectedData; std::vector<std::vector<Real>> basisCoefficients; // control that does nothing, need it because some control is expected NothingExerciseValue control(rateTimes);
// SwapForwardBasisSystem basisSystem(rateTimes,exerciseTimes);
SwapBasisSystem basisSystem(rateTimes,exerciseTimes);// rebate that does nothing, need it because some rebate is expected // when you break a swap nothing happens. NothingExerciseValue nullRebate(rateTimes); CallSpecifiedMultiProduct dummyProduct = CallSpecifiedMultiProduct(receiverSwap, naifStrategy, ExerciseAdapter(nullRebate)); const EvolutionDescription& evolution = dummyProduct.evolution(); // parameters for models Size seed = 12332; // for Sobol generator Size trainingPaths = 65536; Size paths = 16384; Size vegaPaths = 16384*64; std::cout << "training paths, " << trainingPaths << "\n"; std::cout << "paths, " << paths << "\n"; std::cout << "vega Paths, " << vegaPaths << "\n";
#ifdef _DEBUG
trainingPaths = 512;
paths = 1024;
vegaPaths = 1024;
#endif// set up a calibration, this would typically be done by using a calibrator Real rateLevel =0.05; Real initialNumeraireValue = 0.95; Real volLevel = 0.11; Real beta = 0.2; Real gamma = 1.0; Size numberOfFactors = std::min<Size>(5,numberRates); Spread displacementLevel =0.02; // set up vectors std::vector<Rate> initialRates(numberRates,rateLevel); std::vector<Volatility> volatilities(numberRates, volLevel); std::vector<Spread> displacements(numberRates, displacementLevel); ExponentialForwardCorrelation correlations( rateTimes,volLevel, beta,gamma); FlatVol calibration( volatilities, ext::make_shared<ExponentialForwardCorrelation>(correlations), evolution, numberOfFactors, initialRates, displacements); auto marketModel = ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration); // we use a factory since there is data that will only be known later SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory generatorFactory( SobolBrownianGenerator::Diagonal, seed); std::vector<Size> numeraires( moneyMarketMeasure(evolution)); // the evolver will actually evolve the rates LogNormalFwdRatePc evolver(marketModel, generatorFactory, numeraires // numeraires for each step ); auto evolverPtr = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(evolver); int t1= clock(); // gather data before computing exercise strategy collectNodeData(evolver, receiverSwap, basisSystem, nullRebate, control, trainingPaths, collectedData); int t2 = clock(); // calculate the exercise strategy's coefficients genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression(collectedData, basisCoefficients); // turn the coefficients into an exercise strategy LongstaffSchwartzExerciseStrategy exerciseStrategy( basisSystem, basisCoefficients, evolution, numeraires, nullRebate, control); // bermudan swaption to enter into the payer swap CallSpecifiedMultiProduct bermudanProduct = CallSpecifiedMultiProduct( MultiStepNothing(evolution), exerciseStrategy, payerSwap); // callable receiver swap CallSpecifiedMultiProduct callableProduct = CallSpecifiedMultiProduct( receiverSwap, exerciseStrategy, ExerciseAdapter(nullRebate)); // lower bound: evolve all 4 products togheter MultiProductComposite allProducts; allProducts.add(payerSwap); allProducts.add(receiverSwap); allProducts.add(bermudanProduct); allProducts.add(callableProduct); allProducts.finalize(); AccountingEngine accounter(evolverPtr, Clone<MarketModelMultiProduct>(allProducts), initialNumeraireValue); SequenceStatisticsInc stats; accounter.multiplePathValues (stats,paths); int t3 = clock(); std::vector<Real> means(stats.mean()); for (Real mean : means) std::cout << mean << "\n"; std::cout << " time to build strategy, " << (t2-t1)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<< ", seconds.\n"; std::cout << " time to price, " << (t3-t2)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<< ", seconds.\n"; // vegas // do it twice once with factorwise bumping, once without Size pathsToDoVegas = vegaPaths; for (Size i=0; i < 4; ++i) { bool allowFactorwiseBumping = i % 2 > 0 ; bool doCaps = i / 2 > 0 ; LogNormalFwdRateEuler evolverEuler(marketModel, generatorFactory, numeraires ) ; MarketModelPathwiseSwap receiverPathwiseSwap( rateTimes, accruals, strikes, receive); Clone<MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct> receiverPathwiseSwapPtr(receiverPathwiseSwap.clone()); // callable receiver swap CallSpecifiedPathwiseMultiProduct callableProductPathwise(receiverPathwiseSwapPtr, exerciseStrategy); Clone<MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct> callableProductPathwisePtr(callableProductPathwise.clone()); std::vector<std::vector<Matrix>> theBumps(theVegaBumps(allowFactorwiseBumping, marketModel, doCaps)); PathwiseVegasOuterAccountingEngine accountingEngineVegas(ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRateEuler>(evolverEuler), callableProductPathwisePtr, marketModel, theBumps, initialNumeraireValue); std::vector<Real> values,errors; accountingEngineVegas.multiplePathValues(values,errors,pathsToDoVegas); std::cout << "vega output \n"; std::cout << " factorwise bumping " << allowFactorwiseBumping << "\n"; std::cout << " doCaps " << doCaps << "\n"; Size r=0; std::cout << " price estimate, " << values[r++] << "\n"; for (Size i=0; i < numberRates; ++i, ++r) std::cout << " Delta, " << i << ", " << values[r] << ", " << errors[r] << "\n"; Real totalVega = 0.0; for (; r < values.size(); ++r) { std::cout << " vega, " << r - 1 - numberRates<< ", " << values[r] << " ," << errors[r] << "\n"; totalVega += values[r]; } std::cout << " total Vega, " << totalVega << "\n"; } // upper bound MTBrownianGeneratorFactory uFactory(seed+142); auto upperEvolver = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration), uFactory, numeraires // numeraires for each step ); std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<MarketModelEvolver>> innerEvolvers; std::valarray<bool> isExerciseTime = isInSubset(evolution.evolutionTimes(), exerciseStrategy.exerciseTimes()); for (Size s=0; s < isExerciseTime.size(); ++s) { if (isExerciseTime[s]) { MTBrownianGeneratorFactory iFactory(seed+s); auto e = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration), uFactory, numeraires, // numeraires for each step s); innerEvolvers.push_back(e); } } UpperBoundEngine uEngine(upperEvolver, // does outer paths innerEvolvers, // for sub-simulations that do continuation values receiverSwap, nullRebate, receiverSwap, nullRebate, exerciseStrategy, initialNumeraireValue); Statistics uStats; Size innerPaths = 255; Size outerPaths =256; int t4 = clock(); uEngine.multiplePathValues(uStats,outerPaths,innerPaths); Real upperBound = uStats.mean(); Real upperSE = uStats.errorEstimate(); int t5=clock(); std::cout << " Upper - lower is, " << upperBound << ", with standard error " << upperSE << "\n"; std::cout << " time to compute upper bound is, " << (t5-t4)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << ", seconds.\n"; return 0;
int InverseFloater(Real rateLevel)
{Size numberRates =20; Real accrual = 0.5; Real firstTime = 0.5; Real strike =0.15; Real fixedMultiplier = 2.0; Real floatingSpread =0.0; bool payer = true; std::vector<Real> rateTimes(numberRates+1); for (Size i=0; i < rateTimes.size(); ++i) rateTimes[i] = firstTime + i*accrual; std::vector<Real> paymentTimes(numberRates); std::vector<Real> accruals(numberRates,accrual); std::vector<Real> fixedStrikes(numberRates,strike); std::vector<Real> floatingSpreads(numberRates,floatingSpread); std::vector<Real> fixedMultipliers(numberRates,fixedMultiplier); for (Size i=0; i < paymentTimes.size(); ++i) paymentTimes[i] = firstTime + (i+1)*accrual;
MultiStepInverseFloater inverseFloater(
payer);//exercise schedule, we can exercise on any rate time except the last one std::vector<Rate> exerciseTimes(rateTimes); exerciseTimes.pop_back(); // naive exercise strategy, exercise above a trigger level Real trigger =0.05; std::vector<Rate> swapTriggers(exerciseTimes.size(), trigger); SwapRateTrigger naifStrategy(rateTimes, swapTriggers, exerciseTimes); // Longstaff-Schwartz exercise strategy std::vector<std::vector<NodeData>> collectedData; std::vector<std::vector<Real>> basisCoefficients; // control that does nothing, need it because some control is expected NothingExerciseValue control(rateTimes);
SwapForwardBasisSystem basisSystem(rateTimes,exerciseTimes);
// SwapBasisSystem basisSystem(rateTimes,exerciseTimes);// rebate that does nothing, need it because some rebate is expected // when you break a swap nothing happens. NothingExerciseValue nullRebate(rateTimes); CallSpecifiedMultiProduct dummyProduct = CallSpecifiedMultiProduct(inverseFloater, naifStrategy, ExerciseAdapter(nullRebate)); const EvolutionDescription& evolution = dummyProduct.evolution(); // parameters for models Size seed = 12332; // for Sobol generator Size trainingPaths = 65536; Size paths = 65536; Size vegaPaths =16384;
#ifdef _DEBUG
trainingPaths = 8192;
paths = 8192;
vegaPaths = 1024;
#endifstd::cout << " inverse floater \n"; std::cout << " fixed strikes : " << strike << "\n"; std::cout << " number rates : " << numberRates << "\n"; std::cout << "training paths, " << trainingPaths << "\n"; std::cout << "paths, " << paths << "\n"; std::cout << "vega Paths, " << vegaPaths << "\n"; // set up a calibration, this would typically be done by using a calibrator //Real rateLevel =0.08; std::cout << " rate level " << rateLevel << "\n"; Real initialNumeraireValue = 0.95; Real volLevel = 0.11; Real beta = 0.2; Real gamma = 1.0; Size numberOfFactors = std::min<Size>(5,numberRates); Spread displacementLevel =0.02; // set up vectors std::vector<Rate> initialRates(numberRates,rateLevel); std::vector<Volatility> volatilities(numberRates, volLevel); std::vector<Spread> displacements(numberRates, displacementLevel); ExponentialForwardCorrelation correlations( rateTimes,volLevel, beta,gamma); FlatVol calibration( volatilities, ext::make_shared<ExponentialForwardCorrelation>(correlations), evolution, numberOfFactors, initialRates, displacements); auto marketModel = ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration); // we use a factory since there is data that will only be known later SobolBrownianGeneratorFactory generatorFactory( SobolBrownianGenerator::Diagonal, seed); std::vector<Size> numeraires( moneyMarketMeasure(evolution)); // the evolver will actually evolve the rates LogNormalFwdRatePc evolver(marketModel, generatorFactory, numeraires // numeraires for each step ); auto evolverPtr = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(evolver); int t1= clock(); // gather data before computing exercise strategy collectNodeData(evolver, inverseFloater, basisSystem, nullRebate, control, trainingPaths, collectedData); int t2 = clock(); // calculate the exercise strategy's coefficients genericLongstaffSchwartzRegression(collectedData, basisCoefficients); // turn the coefficients into an exercise strategy LongstaffSchwartzExerciseStrategy exerciseStrategy( basisSystem, basisCoefficients, evolution, numeraires, nullRebate, control); // callable receiver swap CallSpecifiedMultiProduct callableProduct = CallSpecifiedMultiProduct( inverseFloater, exerciseStrategy, ExerciseAdapter(nullRebate)); MultiProductComposite allProducts; allProducts.add(inverseFloater); allProducts.add(callableProduct); allProducts.finalize(); AccountingEngine accounter(evolverPtr, Clone<MarketModelMultiProduct>(allProducts), initialNumeraireValue); SequenceStatisticsInc stats; accounter.multiplePathValues (stats,paths); int t3 = clock(); std::vector<Real> means(stats.mean()); for (Real mean : means) std::cout << mean << "\n"; std::cout << " time to build strategy, " << (t2-t1)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<< ", seconds.\n"; std::cout << " time to price, " << (t3-t2)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)<< ", seconds.\n"; // vegas // do it twice once with factorwise bumping, once without Size pathsToDoVegas = vegaPaths; for (Size i=0; i < 4; ++i) { bool allowFactorwiseBumping = i % 2 > 0 ; bool doCaps = i / 2 > 0 ; LogNormalFwdRateEuler evolverEuler(marketModel, generatorFactory, numeraires ) ; MarketModelPathwiseInverseFloater pathwiseInverseFloater( rateTimes, accruals, accruals, fixedStrikes, fixedMultipliers, floatingSpreads, paymentTimes, payer); Clone<MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct> pathwiseInverseFloaterPtr(pathwiseInverseFloater.clone()); // callable inverse floater CallSpecifiedPathwiseMultiProduct callableProductPathwise(pathwiseInverseFloaterPtr, exerciseStrategy); Clone<MarketModelPathwiseMultiProduct> callableProductPathwisePtr(callableProductPathwise.clone()); std::vector<std::vector<Matrix>> theBumps(theVegaBumps(allowFactorwiseBumping, marketModel, doCaps)); PathwiseVegasOuterAccountingEngine accountingEngineVegas(ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRateEuler>(evolverEuler),
// pathwiseInverseFloaterPtr,
initialNumeraireValue);std::vector<Real> values,errors; accountingEngineVegas.multiplePathValues(values,errors,pathsToDoVegas); std::cout << "vega output \n"; std::cout << " factorwise bumping " << allowFactorwiseBumping << "\n"; std::cout << " doCaps " << doCaps << "\n"; Size r=0; std::cout << " price estimate, " << values[r++] << "\n"; for (Size i=0; i < numberRates; ++i, ++r) std::cout << " Delta, " << i << ", " << values[r] << ", " << errors[r] << "\n"; Real totalVega = 0.0; for (; r < values.size(); ++r) { std::cout << " vega, " << r - 1 - numberRates<< ", " << values[r] << " ," << errors[r] << "\n"; totalVega += values[r]; } std::cout << " total Vega, " << totalVega << "\n"; } // upper bound MTBrownianGeneratorFactory uFactory(seed+142); auto upperEvolver = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration), uFactory, numeraires // numeraires for each step ); std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<MarketModelEvolver>> innerEvolvers; std::valarray<bool> isExerciseTime = isInSubset(evolution.evolutionTimes(), exerciseStrategy.exerciseTimes()); for (Size s=0; s < isExerciseTime.size(); ++s) { if (isExerciseTime[s]) { MTBrownianGeneratorFactory iFactory(seed+s); auto e = ext::make_shared<LogNormalFwdRatePc>(ext::make_shared<FlatVol>(calibration), uFactory, numeraires , // numeraires for each step s); innerEvolvers.push_back(e); } } UpperBoundEngine uEngine(upperEvolver, // does outer paths innerEvolvers, // for sub-simulations that do continuation values inverseFloater, nullRebate, inverseFloater, nullRebate, exerciseStrategy, initialNumeraireValue); Statistics uStats; Size innerPaths = 255; Size outerPaths =256; int t4 = clock(); uEngine.multiplePathValues(uStats,outerPaths,innerPaths); Real upperBound = uStats.mean(); Real upperSE = uStats.errorEstimate(); int t5=clock(); std::cout << " Upper - lower is, " << upperBound << ", with standard error " << upperSE << "\n"; std::cout << " time to compute upper bound is, " << (t5-t4)/static_cast<Real>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << ", seconds.\n"; return 0;
int main()
try {
for (Size i=5; i < 10; ++i)
InverseFloater(i/100.0);return 0; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << "unknown error" << std::endl; return 1; }