①.结合云服务器CVM批量关机脚本 | 实现定时开关云服务器的功能 √
②.自动化运维 √
③.待你发现 🙃
②.Python 2.7.9
>>点我下载 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-279/
③.安装 TencentCloud Python SDK
在 bash 或者 cmd 中运行 pip install tencentcloud-sdk-python
Linux 下 pip 安装 Tencentcloud SDK
Windows 下 pip 安装 Tencentcloud SDK
①.安装Python 2.7.9环境 (若是Centos7,默认已带此环境)
②.安装pip 以及 使用pip下载安装 tencentcloud-sdk-python
④.将需要进行关机的云服务器CVM 公网IP地址保存在txt文件中(一行一个IP,文件名可自定义),如下图所示
⑤. 不同平台的运行方式
- Windows
将 start.py、密钥文件、云服务器CVM的IP地址 放在同一目录下
输入 python start.py start key.txt instance.txt 并且回车运行
- Linux
与Windows类似,将 shutdown.py、密钥文件、云服务器CVM的IP地址 放在同一目录下
在终端中 输入 python start.py start key.txt instance.txt 并且回车运行
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json, sys ,os, time, datetime
from tencentcloud.common import credential
from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile
from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfile
from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException
from tencentcloud.cvm.v20170312 import cvm_client, modelsreload(sys)
sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")now= str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日 - %H:%M:%S"))
all_region = ['ap-bangkok','ap-beijing','ap-chengdu','ap-chongqing','ap-guangzhou','ap-hongkong','ap-mumbai',
'ap-tokyo','eu-frankfurt','eu-moscow','na-ashburn','na-siliconvalley','na-toronto']def print_help():
输入 ./start.py help 来查看如何使用此工具重装系统的命令: ./start.py start <访问密钥,以Secretld 空格 SecreKey 的格式 保存文本即可> <需开机的云服务器CVM IP地址 的格式 保存文本即可>
"""def cvm_start(Secretld,SecreKey,region,InstanceId):
try: cred = credential.Credential(SecretId,SecretKey) httpProfile = HttpProfile() httpProfile.endpoint = "cvm.tencentcloudapi.com" clientProfile = ClientProfile() clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile client = cvm_client.CvmClient(cred, region, clientProfile) req = models.StartInstancesRequest() params = { "InstanceIds": [ str(InstanceId) ] } req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params)) resp = client.StartInstances(req) return resp.to_json_string() except TencentCloudSDKException as err: return err
def _ID_region_from_eip(SecretId,SecretKey,region,offset):
try: cred = credential.Credential(SecretId, SecretKey) httpProfile = HttpProfile() httpProfile.endpoint = "cvm.tencentcloudapi.com" clientProfile = ClientProfile() clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile client = cvm_client.CvmClient(cred, region, clientProfile) req = models.DescribeInstancesRequest() params = { "Limit": 20, "Offset": offset } req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params)) resp = client.DescribeInstances(req) return resp.to_json_string() except TencentCloudSDKException as err: return err
def log_log(log_content, path):
print "\033[0;31m 本工具最近一次运行的时间: "+now +'\033[0m \n\n' fin=open(path,'a') # 追加原始内容的写入 content = log_content + "\033[0;31m 本工具最近一次运行的时间: "+now +'\033[0m \n\n' fin.write(content) fin.close()
if name == 'main':
if_sys_argv_exit = sys.argv[1]
except Exception:
exit()if sys.argv[1] == 'help': print_help() exit() else: font = open('%s'%sys.argv[2]) font = font.readline() token = font.split() SecretId = token[0] SecretKey = token[1] if sys.argv[1] == 'start': try: path = sys.argv[4] except Exception: path = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + "/start_cvm.log" content = '' ip_dict={ } for city in all_region: result = _ID_region_from_eip(SecretId,SecretKey,city,0) try: result_dict = json.loads(result) except Exception: print result print "because of above reason, this tool is crashed, please try later" content += str(result) +'\n' content += "because of above reason, this tool is crashed, please try later" log_log(content,path) exit() TotalCount = result_dict['TotalCount'] #本次查询到了多少CVM left_times = TotalCount/20 + 1 offset = 0 while left_times>0: result = _ID_region_from_eip(SecretId,SecretKey,city,offset) try: result_dict = json.loads(result) except Exception: print result print "because of above reason, this tool is crashed, please try later" content += str(result) + '\n' content += "because of above reason, this tool is crashed, please try later" log_log(content,path) exit() for i in result_dict['InstanceSet']: InstanceId = i['InstanceId'] try: TF_eip = i['PublicIpAddresses'][0] except Exception: continue for j_ip in i['PublicIpAddresses']: eip = j_ip ip_dict[eip] = [ InstanceId , city ] left_times -= 1 offset += 20 #print ip_dict fout=open('%s'%sys.argv[3]) while 1: time.sleep(0.12) line = fout.readline() if not line : break line = line.strip() try: top_word = line[0] except Exception: continue if top_word=='#': continue all_conf = line.split() ip = all_conf[0] if '.' not in all_conf[0]: print line + ' 当前帐号下找不到该服务器 ' print ' ' content += line + ' 当前帐号下找不到该服务器 查询时间: ' + now + '\n\n' continue if ip not in ip_dict: print line + ' 当前帐号下找不到该服务器 ' print ' ' content += line + ' 当前帐号下找不到该服务器 查询时间: '+ now + '\n\n' continue result = cvm_start(SecretId,SecretKey,region=ip_dict[ip][1],InstanceId=ip_dict[ip][0]) try: result_dict = json.loads(result) RequestId = result_dict['RequestId'] print ' 云服务器IP ' + line + ' ' + ip_dict[ip][1] + ' 地域下 ' + ' 实例ID为 '+ ip_dict[ip][0] + ' 的云服务器开机成功 ' print ' ' content += ' 云服务器IP ' + line + ' ' + ip_dict[ip][1] + ' 地域下 ' + ' 实例ID为 '+ ip_dict[ip][0] + ' 的云服务器在 ' + now + ' 点 开机成功' + '\n\n' except Exception: print line + ' '+ip_dict[ip][0]+' '+ip_dict[ip][1]+ ' is fail ' print result print ' ' content += line + ' '+ip_dict[ip][0]+' '+ip_dict[ip][1]+ ' is fail time:' + now + '\n' + str(result) + '\n\n' log_log(content,path) else: print '\n' print ' 当前目录下没有找到这个 %s ' % sys.argv[1] + ' 这个文件 ' print '\n' print_help()