wsus无法同步计算机,Windows Update无法与WSUS同步,8024401c「建议收藏」



WSUS环境是windows server 2016,客户端有server 16和win10 1809,

windows10可以正常与WSUS同步,其中一台windows server 2016始终无法与wsus同步,



2019/09/18 11:32:13.6361983 688 86208 Agent WU client version 10.0.14393.3085

2019/09/18 11:32:13.6366669 688 86208 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled.

2019/09/18 11:32:13.6367722 688 86208 Agent Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution

2019/09/18 11:32:13.6375007 688 86208 Agent Datastore directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7173158 688 86208 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7173333 688 86208 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7177361 688 86208 Shared Network state: Connected

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7204229 688 86208 Misc LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed, hr = 8024000C

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231141 688 87104 Agent Initializing global settings cache

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231150 688 87104 Agent WSUS server: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231155 688 87104 Agent WSUS status server: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231160 688 87104 Agent Alternate Download Server: NULL

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231170 688 87104 Agent Fill Empty Content Urls: No

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231175 688 87104 Agent Target group: (Unassigned Computers)

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7231180 688 87104 Agent Windows Update access disabled: No

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7234730 688 87104 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-09-18 03:43:18, not idle-only, not network-only

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7276401 688 87104 Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7277255 688 87104 DownloadManager Download manager restoring 0 downloads

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7277928 688 87104 Agent CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7296521 688 87104 Misc EP: error: 0x8024500C : – failed to get SLS data

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7296647 688 87104 Misc Failed to obtain 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL, error = 0x8024500C

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7296711 688 87104 Agent Failed to obtain the authorization cab URL for service 117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782, hr=0

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7296721 688 87104 Agent Caller Service Recovery failed to opt in to service 117cab2d-82b1-4b5a-a08c-4d62dbee7782, hr=0X8024500C

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7298052 688 87104 Misc EP: error: 0x8024500C : – failed to get SLS data

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7298101 688 87104 Misc Failed to obtain 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir SecondaryServiceAuth URL, error = 0x8024500C

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7298110 688 87104 Agent Failed to obtain the authorization cab URL for service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d, hr=0

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7298120 688 87104 Agent Caller UpdateOrchestrator failed to opt in to service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d, hr=0X8024500C

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 87104 Unknown( 29): GUID=5e94e523-62a6-3fea-6b77-42ddd0f8fac8 (No Format Information found).

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7336447 688 86208 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7336530 688 86208 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.

2019/09/18 11:32:13.7338041 688 86208 Shared Power status changed

2019/09/18 11:32:13.8143082 688 87024 Shared Effective power state: AC

2019/09/18 11:32:13.8143092 688 87024 DownloadManager Power state change detected. Source now: AC

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 87104 Unknown( 10): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 87104 Unknown( 11): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9613318 688 87104 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 1]

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9613391 688 87104 Agent Added service 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to sequential scan list

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 87104 Unknown( 12): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9701680 688 83300 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 1]

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771590 688 83300 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 1

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771605 688 83300 Agent Online = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771722 688 83300 Agent Criteria = IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction=’Installation’ or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction=’Uninstallation’ or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction=’Installation’

and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction=’Uninstallation’ and RebootRequired=1″”

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771765 688 83300 Agent ServiceID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Third party service

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771804 688 83300 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771839 688 83300 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-1057776969-3995467611-557851033-500

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771848 688 83300 Agent ProcessDriverDeferrals is set

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9771853 688 83300 Agent RegisterService is set

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9816929 688 83300 Misc EP: error: 0x8024500C : – failed to get SLS data

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9816939 688 83300 Misc EP: error: 0x8024500C: GetSecondaryServicesEnabledState failed

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9816968 688 83300 Agent AutoRecovery: DetectAndToggleServiceState failed 0x8024500c

2019/09/18 11:32:14.9867402 688 83300 Misc Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx””

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4557976 688 83300 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4560273 688 83300 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4560414 688 83300 ProtocolTalker Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4560653 688 83300 Misc Got WSUS SimpleTargeting URL: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530″”

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4574770 688 83300 ProtocolTalker Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 14f92eb2-973f-4ce6-924e-8b0d90b34e0d, target group = , DNS name = xxx.demo.local //此处被处理

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4574779 688 83300 ProtocolTalker Server URL = http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4575165 688 83300 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:32:15.4787537 688 83300 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:32:15.5023726 688 83300 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491370 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491374 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491550 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491565 688 83300 WebServices Web service call failed with hr = 8024401c.

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491569 688 83300 WebServices Current service auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:33:17.9491574 688 83300 WebServices Current Proxy auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:33:19.9591653 688 83300 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332211 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332215 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332235 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332245 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332254 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332264 688 83300 WebServices Web service call failed with hr = 8024401c.

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332269 688 83300 WebServices Current service auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:34:21.9332274 688 83300 WebServices Current Proxy auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:34:23.9486996 688 83300 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383786 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383791 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383937 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383947 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383966 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ??HTTP ?????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9383976 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???????????

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384025 688 83300 WebServices WS error: ???

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384040 688 83300 WebServices Web service call failed with hr = 8024401c.

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384044 688 83300 WebServices Current service auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384049 688 83300 WebServices Current Proxy auth scheme=0.

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384103 688 83300 ProtocolTalker PTError: 0x8024401c

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384108 688 83300 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates_WithRecovery failed. 0x8024401c

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384279 688 83300 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 1

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384283 688 83300 ProtocolTalker Sync of Updates 0x8024401c

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9384400 688 83300 ProtocolTalker SyncServerUpdatesInternal failed 0x8024401c

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9470519 688 83300 Agent Failed to synchronize, error = 0x8024401C

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9929057 688 83300 Agent Exit code = 0x8024401C

2019/09/18 11:35:25.9929072 688 83300 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator Id = 1

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 86392 Unknown( 16): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 86392 Unknown( 17): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 86392 Unknown( 19): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 86392 Unknown( 20): GUID=eb73583d-5481-33b4-202d-9bb270eddffa (No Format Information found).

1601/01/01 08:00:00.0000000 688 87104 Unknown( 10): GUID=fe1b6309-dedb-392e-308c-ec757efded1a (No Format Information found).

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0188339 688 87024 Misc Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx””

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0205644 688 87024 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0205693 688 87024 ProtocolTalker Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0205825 688 87024 Misc Got WSUS SimpleTargeting URL: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530″”

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0222116 688 87024 ProtocolTalker Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 14f92eb2-973f-4ce6-924e-8b0d90b34e0d, target group = , DNS name = xxx.demo.local

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0222131 688 87024 ProtocolTalker Server URL = http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

2019/09/18 11:37:12.0222375 688 87024 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:37:12.1757991 688 87024 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:37:12.2034627 688 87024 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration

2019/09/18 11:37:12.2319588 688 87024 Misc Got WSUS Reporting URL: http://192.168.77.XXX:8530/ReportingWebService/ReportingWebService.asmx””

2019/09/18 11:37:12.2334397 688 87024 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

2019/09/18 11:43:18.2729905 688 86208 Agent Adding timer:

2019/09/18 11:43:18.2730051 688 86208 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-09-19 03:43:18, not idle-only, not network-only

2019/09/18 11:47:12.2829989 688 87872 Agent Earliest future timer found:

2019/09/18 11:47:12.2830198 688 87872 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-09-19 03:43:18, not idle-only, not network-only

2019/09/18 11:47:13.2840824 688 86208 Agent Earliest future timer found:

2019/09/18 11:47:13.2840965 688 86208 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2019-09-19 03:43:18, not idle-only, not network-only

2019/09/18 11:47:13.2874518 688 86208 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:2, Enable:No

2019/09/18 11:47:13.2874567 688 86208 Misc CreateSessionStateChangeTrigger, TYPE:4, Enable:No

2019/09/18 11:47:13.3386704 688 86208 Handler CUHCbsHandler::CancelDownloadRequest called

2019/09/18 11:47:13.5042075 688 86208 Shared * END * Service exit Exit code = 0x240001


