

EPA是美国环境保护局( u.senvironmental protectionagency)的英文简称。其主要任务是保护本国人民的健康及自然环境、空气、水和土地,我们赖以生存的生态环境。



How do I find out if a pesticide is registered withEPA?


The EPA hosts several different in-house portals topesticide information and there are a couple of excellent second party portalhosts:


PesticideChemical Search is helpful for finding historical and ongoingregulatory and scientific information about specific pesticide active ingredients.


The Pesticide Product LabelSystem provides links to EPA-approved labeling of primary registeredproducts (distributor products will not show up in results)


The PesticideProduct Information System is the full database of EPA-registered pesticides.The database files are mostly useful to people who are familiar withsetting up databases.


Perhaps the easiest way to figure out if apesticide is EPA-registered is to search for it using the National Pesticide Information Center'sProduct Research Online. NPIC is an EPA information-sharing partnerwith extensive experience in pesticide-related exposure issues. NPIC NPROpermits searches for all pesticide products, even "distributorproducts" that have three-part EPA Registration Numbers.

也许最简单的用来确定农药是否注册EPA的方法是使用国家农药信息中心的产品研究在线搜索。NPIC是EPA信息共享合作伙伴,在农药相关的暴露问题方面拥有丰富的经验。NPIC NPRO允许搜索所有农药产品,甚至是EPA第三部门注册号的“经销商产品。”

Purdue University's National Pesticide InformationRetrieval System is another EPA information-sharing partner NPIRS provides a user-friendly portal toEPA's PPIS database, which allows anyone with internet access to search forpesticides by primary registered product name, Primary company name, two-partEPA Reg. No. or active ingredient. EPAprovided initial funding for NPIRS, and we regularly update the PPIS filesonline.
