

-- 导入必要的库
import Network.HTTP.Simple
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- 获取代理IP地址
getProxy :: IO (Maybe String)
getProxy = do
response <- httpLBS "https://www.duoip.cn/get_proxy"
let status = responseStatus response
if status == Status OK
then return $ Just $ responseBody response
else return Nothing
-- 使用代理IP地址访问目标网站
fetchImage :: String -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
fetchImage proxy = do
manager <- newManager (tlsManagerSettings { managerProxy = Just (Proxy proxy) })
response <- httpLBS ("https://www.taobao.com" :: String) manager
let status = responseStatus response
if status == Status OK
then return $ Just $ responseBody response
else return Nothing
-- 主函数
main :: IO ()
main = do
proxy <- getProxy
case proxy of
Just p -> do
image <- fetchImage p
case image of
Just img -> print (show img)
Nothing -> putStrLn "无法获取图片"
Nothing -> putStrLn "无法获取代理地址"
