计算长方体、四棱锥的表面积和体积 SDUT 3337
从图中观察,可抽取其共同属性到父类Rect中:长度:l 宽度:h 高度:z
在父类Rect中,定义求底面周长的方法length( )和底面积的方法area( )。
定义父类Rect的子类立方体类Cubic,计算立方体的表面积和体积。其中表面积area( )重写父类的方法。
定义父类Rect的子类四棱锥类Pyramid,计算四棱锥的表面积和体积。其中表面积area( )重写父类的方法。
计算长方形的周长和面积(类和对象)(SDUT 3339)
(2)Rect(int length, int width)——2个整数分别表示长方形长和宽
计算长方形的周长和面积(类和对象)(SDUT 3339)
(2)Rect(int length, int width)——2个整数分别表示长方形长和宽
LightOJ 1203--Guarding Bananas(二维凸包+内角计算)
Once there was a lazy monkey in a forest. But he loved banana too much. One day there was a storm in the jungle and all the bananas fell from the trees. The monkey didn’t want to lose any of the bananas. So, he wanted to find a banana such that he can eat that and he can also look after the other bananas. As he was lazy, he didn’t want to move his eyes too wide. So, you have to help him finding the banana from where he can look after all the bananas but the degree of rotating his eyes is as small as possible. You can assume that the position of the bananas can be modeled as 2D points.
此题目是根据 CSDN 博客粥粥同学发布的内容进行收集整理,记录了本人的解题过程和一些想法。仅供大家参考,如有错误,欢迎大家指出!
此题目是根据 CSDN 博客粥粥同学发布的内容进行收集整理,记录了本人的解题过程和一些想法。仅供大家参考,如有错误,欢迎大家指出!
此题目是根据 CSDN 博客粥粥同学发布的内容进行收集整理,记录了本人的解题过程和一些想法。仅供大家参考,如有错误,欢迎大家指出!
此题目是根据 CSDN 博客粥粥同学发布的内容进行收集整理,记录了本人的解题过程和一些想法。仅供大家参考,如有错误,欢迎大家指出!
此题目是根据 CSDN 博客粥粥同学发布的内容进行收集整理,记录了本人的解题过程和一些想法。仅供大家参考,如有错误,欢迎大家指出!
计算各种图形的周长(接口与多态)( SDUT 3338 )
Online Stock Span 库存价格持续时间计算 #算法#
Write a class StockSpanner which collects daily price quotes for some stock, and returns the span of that stock’s price for the current day.
computeSurfaceNormals() has finished in 0 s
HDOJ 1076 An Easy Task(闰年计算)
Problem Description
Ignatius was born in a leap year, so he want to know when he could hold his bi
HDOJ 1076 An Easy Task(闰年计算)
Problem Description
Ignatius was born in a leap year, so he want to know when he could hold his bi
HDOJ 2002 计算球体积
在介绍skid buffer之前,我们先来假设这样一种情况,在一个多级流水模型之中,比如最为经典的顺序五级流水的处理器模型中,各级之间通过仅通过valid-ready的握手信号进行数据传递,(需要注意的是,这里的输入侧和输出侧的握手信号是不建议直连的,这样不符合流水设计思想的同时,还会加中时序压力)当其中某级发生阻塞的时候,比如lsu的执行访存指令,但是cache未命中,需要从更下级的储存器去请求数据的时候,此时需要通过握手信号来需要阻塞流水线,理所应当的,我们拉低lsu的input_ready信号来阻塞来自上级流水的输入(比如EXU),可是问题是此时上上级(比如IDU)并未被阻塞,还在向上级(EXU)传输数据,同样的情况发生在所有的上游模块。这篇文章便是用来解决上述问题。
Python 系列文章 —— input_output 篇
# 1 str.format() 示例
# 1)
print('{}网址: "{}!"'.format('Python技术', 'www.justdopython.com'))
# 2)
print('{0} 和 {1}'.format('Hello', 'Python'))
print('{0} {1}'.format('Hello', 'Python'))
print('{1} {0}'.format('Hello', 'Python'))
# 3)
Linear Search
You are given a sequence of n integers S and a sequence of different q integers T. Write a program which outputs C, the number of integers in T which are also in the set S.
Exhaustive Search
Write a program which reads a sequence A of n elements and an integer M, and outputs “yes” if you can make M by adding elements in A, otherwise “no”. You can use an element only once.