基于光芯片的内存内计算(memory-in computing)
这篇笔记介绍一篇牛津大学在光子计算领域的最新进展,该文章发表于最新一期的Science Advances,标题为“In-memory computing on a photonic platform”。
GPU: 衡量计算效能的正确姿势(2)
这次我们准备聊下决定系统计算性能的两大关键指标,1. 浮点运算能力(FLOPS), 2. 内存带宽(Memory Bandwidth)。
上节,我们用逻辑门做了个简单 ALU,它能执行算术(Arithmetic)和逻辑(Logic)运算,ALU 里的 A 和 L 因此得名,当然,算出来之后如果扔掉就没什么意义了。得找个方法存起来,可能还要进行多个连续操作,这就用到计算机内存了。
Something vaguely analogous has happened in the computer industry. Each
new species (mainframe, minicomputer, personal computer, handheld, embedded
computer, smart card, etc.) seems to go through the development that its ancestors
did, both in hardware and in software. We often forget that much of what happens
in the computer business and a lot of other fields is technology driven. The reason
the ancient Romans lacked cars is not that they liked walking so much. It is be-
cause they did not know how to build cars. Personal computers exist not because
millions of people have a centuries-old pent-up desire to own a computer, but be-
cause it is now possible to manufacture them cheaply. We often forget how much
technology affects our view of systems and it is worth reflecting on this point from
time to time.
In particular, it frequently happens that a change in technology renders some
idea obsolete and it quickly vanishes. However, another change in technology
could revive it again. This is especially true when the change has to do with the
relative performance of different parts of the system. For instance, when CPUs
became much faster than memories, caches became important to speed up the
memory. If new memory technology someday makes memories much
faster than CPUs, caches will vanish. And if a new CPU technology makes them
faster than memories again, caches will reappear. In biology, extinction is forever,
but in computer science, it is sometimes only for a few years.
DDR3 内存带宽计算
涨姿势:利用AndroidStudio自带的Network Profiler来查看网络请求的相关数据
涨姿势:AndroidStudio那些不为人知的隐藏技能之一 – 利用Network Profiler来查看网络请求的相关数据。
身为前端开发者,你不能不知道的 Runtime Performance Debug 技巧
提到 Web 前端的效能优化,有许多的技巧是聚焦在如何减少页面的“载入时间 Loading Time”,例如 Code Splitting 透过减少需要载入的 Bundle Size 来加快载入效能。也有些技巧是针对执行时期 (Runtime) 的优化与调教,例如 Virtualized List 透过控制渲染的 DOM 元素数量来保持页面的流畅性,又或者是页面的 Repaint、Reflow、 Composite 等渲染流程所花费的时间,不过这些 runtime 指标又该如何 debug 呢?什麽样的状况又代表者页面的效能可能出现了一些瓶颈呢?在现今网页中动画佔了十分重要的部分,那动画的性能又该怎麽观测呢?
前端性能优化之利用 Chrome Dev Tools 进行页面性能分析
我们经常使用 Chrome Dev Tools 来开发调试,但是很少知道怎么利用它来分析页面性能,这篇文章,我将详细说明怎样利用 Chrome Dev Tools 进行页面性能分析及性能报告数据如何解读。如果你认真看了本文,一定能学会分析,没学会,你来找我~